We are a group engaged in facilitating in person connections, more specifically, in or near Greenbelt. That means we sponsor events where there is a need, or if some other group is already doing something that fills this need, we can help share that information as well. If you would like to know more about our reason for being please see this post.
If you have ideas, of events, or you have an event that you would like to sponsor – please contact us.
Thank you for taking the time to visit – if you found this idea resonates something within you please join our mailing list – or just put down your phone for a moment and say hi to your neighbor. Maybe you both will be glad you did, or will be the next time you need some eggs.
Upcoming Events:
Cultivating Resiliency – Debra Cope
Sunday May 21 7:00-8:00pm
If you find yourself struggling to stay focused, positive and confident… to release stuck emotions… or to bounce back after setbacks and discouraging events, then you may need a “resiliency tune-up”.
From Debra:
When I woke up today I had the inspiration to offer a mindfulness practice related to this quote by Hazrat Inayat Khan:
The purpose of life is to keep oneself in the right tone and rhythm. The nature of life is to put us off the right tone and rhythm. Every moment is that struggle, from the first moment one gets up in the morning, one has to meet with this struggle, even for a saint or a sage.
The resilience practice I’d like to share with you is called the Sophic Whorl.
A whorl is a a pattern of spirals or concentric circles. With Sunday’s meditation, we will enter an inner landscape of light and color, vibration and sound designed to take us beyond threshold to a world of Wisdom and Splendor.
Once you’ve stepped through this door, the tone and rhythm of this awakening informs the scaffolding of our daily lives. See you Sunday at 7:00?! Lovingly,Debra
About the Facilitator“Resilience isn’t something we acquire, it’s an inborn strength that we can cultivate with proven processes and tools.” – Debra Sofia
A 35-year Sufi practitioner, Charaga and Retreat Guide, Debra Sofia is dedicated to helping others “remove the veils of separation” and to fulfill their life’s purpose.
Using breath, sound and visualization, she draws from a wellspring of Sufi and Kabbalah practices to create a truly transformative, alchemical experience
Debra Cope
The meeting will be held over zoom, Meeting ID is 943 5969 1872 and Passcode : 016110
Our COVID Response So it is not without irony that we have had to adapt, now that being near other humans is frowned upon. And although we hope that we soon will be able to hold events in person – it still is better to connect online than not at all. Furthermore, it does allow …